We've been having so much fun with the warm weather. It's been so fun to be able to go outside and play. Bridger love balls and especially basketball I think he could play baskeball all day. Now that its a little warmer we're going to get out the little pool. We have been going to play with cousins lately. We went to the Bondocks and it was a lot of fun, I wan't sure he'd be able to do much but they had a kiddie corner for climbing, lots of arcade games, and a cute little bowling ally. Bridger also got his first ear infection, we've been so blessed with such a healthy child. I have felt so bad he's been so sick but he's almost all back to normal. The pregnancy is going well I have not been nearly as sick as I was with Bridger so I'm super happy. We're getting really excited just trying to get everything ready. I'm trying to get some pictures on here so hopefully soon there will be some.